Report: NASAC ASBS webinar on “Effective Stakeholder Engagement”
On 5th September 2024, the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) organized a virtual engagement meeting titled “Effective Stakeholders Engagement,” which is part of the Academy Synergy Building Sessions (ASBS) series. The meeting was attended by about 18 staff from the national science academies across Africa. The purpose of the meeting was to share proven practices for engaging a diverse range of stakeholders, including government bodies, research institutions, regional and international organizations, industry partners, and local communities. Moreover, the meeting was intended to provide a platform to build synergy by networking and building relationships among the participants.
The main speaker for the meeting was Bibiana Iraki from ISAAA Africenter, an expert in Communication and Stakeholder Engagement. Her presentation focused on various tools and techniques for effective stakeholder engagement. Key tools and techniques discussed included mind mapping, stakeholder assessment mapping, and stakeholder net mapping. Bibiana emphasized the unique significance of stakeholder net mapping, highlighting its role in unlocking and navigating complex stakeholder engagement systems. The meeting also included interactive question and answer (Q&A) sessions, allowing participants to seek clarifications and share their perspectives on the topic. The interactive Q&A sessions facilitated a participatory exchange of ideas, enhancing networking and learning for participants.
During the meeting, participants were divided into three breakout groups to further explore and discuss various aspects of stakeholder engagement as well as to network and engage with each other. Group 1 discussed strategies for establishing and nurturing relationships with stakeholders, focusing on building trust as a foundation for successful engagement. Group 2 focused on techniques for addressing conflicts and managing stakeholder expectations effectively, aiming to balance various interests and foster constructive dialogue. Group 3 discussed the long-term strategies for sustaining stakeholder engagement and evaluating the success of engagement efforts over time. After the breakout session, each group presented their key discussion points and recommendations in the plenary.
In conclusion, the meeting provided participants with practical tools and strategies for engaging different stakeholders in a complex system. The breakout sessions and Q&A discussions improved the participants’ understanding of the topic and provided an avenue to interact and build relationships with each other. We hope that the practical tools and techniques shared during the meeting will be effectively translated into the academies’ strategic stakeholder engagements to enhance their efforts and foster more effective collaborations.