Water Programme Launch Report


Water scarcity remains a critical challenge for policymakers and researchers, exacerbated by climate change and rapid population growth. To address this pressing issue, collaboration among stakeholders is essential to drive innovative water management solutions. The NASAC Water Programme, supported by its Water Steering Committee, plays a pivotal role in advancing research and innovation to tackle Africa’s water crisis.

The NASAC Water Programme Launch Meeting, held from 2nd to 3rd August 2010, brought together participants from various member academies of the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC). The event featured panel presentationsplenary debates, and a Skype video conference highlighting the successful IANAS Water Programme. Key outcomes included:

  1. Presentations from leading academies on water management challenges in South Africa and Kenya.

  2. Establishment of the Water Steering Committee to guide the programme’s implementation.

  3. Analysis of water programme proposals to identify actionable solutions.

Discussions emphasized the need for innovative water and sanitation technologiescapacity-building for researchers, and effective dialogue between scientists and policymakers. Participants also stressed the importance of groundwater monitoring systemsdemand-driven research, and partnerships with governmentsNEPAD, and UNEP.

The meeting concluded with the endorsement of the Water Steering Committee’s terms of reference, appointment of committee leaders, and identification of priority areas for the NASAC Water Programme. By fostering collaborative researchjoint proposals, and alternative funding strategies, NASAC aims to strengthen Africa’s water management frameworks and ensure sustainable solutions for the future.


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