The Annual Meeting of African Science Academies (AMASA 2024)
Algiers, Algeria - CIC alger Algiers2024 Annual Meeting of African Science Academies (AMASA 2024)...
2024 Annual Meeting of African Science Academies (AMASA 2024)...
NASAC LIASON AND NETWORKING WEBINAR WITH THE NATIONAL YOUNG ACADEMIES (NYA's) IN AFRICA The primary objective of the NASAC Liaison and Networking Meeting with the National Young Academies (NYAs) in Africa will be to assess the current state of the ongoing partnerships between the NYAs and the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC). Furthermore, the meeting will explore opportunities for enhanced collaboration and participation of the NYAs in NASAC activities, as well as provide insights into future collaborative initiatives scheduled for the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2024. DATE October 8 3 - 5 pm ETA WEBINAR(NASAC) Academy Development Initiative (ADI) on Maintaining Financial Sustainability with Independence The Annual Meeting of African Science Academies (AMASA 2024) EVENTS Upcoming There are no upcoming events at this time.