Memorable achievements

Our Achievements

NASAC has done tremendous work over the years with some of our memorable achievements being;
  • NASAC partnered with International Science Council (ISC) to support thirty six (36) collaborative research projects across Africa as part of the 5 year “Leading Integrated Research for Agenda 2030 in Africa” (LIRA 2030 AFRICA) programme. The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) provided funding for the project.
  • NASAC has been able to (and will) organize Scientific Conferences on critical flagship programmes on water, women and science education and climate change
  • Creation of independent advisory groups to guide NASAC policies and operations e.g. Expert Group, Standing Committees (Water, Science Education & Women for Science) and ad hoc Committees (Conference Organizing Committees, Panels of Experts-various topics, Strategic Planning Committees).
  • Facilitation of  members’ secretariats through training and capacity building support.
  • Increased NASAC membership (from the initial founding nine members).
  • Establishment of a fully functional NASAC secretariat.
  • Hosting of several Scientific Conferences, Workshops and Seminars to inform the science-policy dialogue in Africa.
  • Successfully implemented the Project Stimulating a culture of Scientific and technological excellence in Africa (2009-2013) with funding support from Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • NASAC became an affiliate member of IAP and also served in the IAP Board.
  • NASAC has initiated relationships with key partners such as: IANAS, UNESCO, Leopoldina, KNAW, EASAC, ICSU and developed new partnerships with French Academy of Sciences, Elephant Vert.
  • NASAC participated at the COP21 Conference that was held in Paris and at the COP22 Conference held in Marrakesh.
  • NASAC is carrying out activities with AEMASE.
  • Published Guidelines for Establishing and Strengthening Academies.